The Walmyr Assessment Scale Scoring Manual (print edition) is the essential reference for all of our short-form assessment scales. The manual provides you with descriptions of each assessment scale, instructions about how to administer and score the scales, summaries of validation research findings (reliability and validity), references to the published psychometric research, grade-level readability statistics, and sample copies of each scale.
Price: | $25.00 each |
Availability: | Ships in 3-10 business days |
El Manual Técnico del MPSI es la referencia completa para las escalas de evaluación multidimensional MPSI, MAAS y BAAS.
The MPSITMPDF is the complete reference for the Multi-Dimensional Assessment Scales MPSI, MAAS, and BAAS.
The MPSITM (print edition) is the complete reference for the Multi-Dimensional Assessment Scales MPSI, MAAS, and BAAS.