Practicum Instructors Evaluation Form


The PIEF is used to evaluate field practicum instructor performance as a teacher. Scores range from 0 to 100 where higher scores indicate higher teaching ability as judged by students. Obtained scores are given grade equivalents on a range from F = Failure to A = Outstanding. This is a printed scale for in-person administration. If you wish to administer this or any other Walmyr assessment scale via computer, visit

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Reliability: 0.96
Validity: 0.00
Clinical Cutting Score:   0
Reading Level: 12
Author(s): Walter W. Hudson

Scoring instructions are found in the Walmyr Assessment Scale Scoring Manual (WASSM), available in print and electronic formats. All scales purchased from us are eligible for free online scoring. For more information, see

Price: $25.00 per pad (50 copies)
Availability: Ships in 3-7 business days

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